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Thursday, June 5, 2008

What a way to end a two week break

the core team from the leadership camp decided to have like a small gathering/movie day kinda thing so we met up at sara's place. my timing was way out so i got there like 20 minutes earlier then i should have. well the rest of da gang arrived around 12++ noon, then we watched ghost hunter for awhile, sara was like so scared she would see some freaky ghost or something and jack was trying to scare her.. haha

i sucked at kept getting caught by after that we decided to watch meet the Spartans then her parents came back so we paused it and pretended to watch the astro... hahahaha because meet the spartans was abit how to say obscene hahahaha...... so we got bored of that and decided to play games so we payed this killing game whicjjackson haiz....then got got bored of that too so we played truth or dare that didnt last long either so we switched back to the killing game...

then it was time for tea, we had mi siam and fried tapioca, nick was so scared of the dog that he thought that jack's leg was the dog and banged his leg on the table which made us all laugh...

so we after we had our fill we went back to play the killing game, soon after we changed to this game with action and stuff dont really know how to describe it....

then we play a game where u had to use a word or phrase and put it into different sentences and try to make peopel laugh... jack kept laughing at everything hahaha was damn funny..

so around 5.30 or so everyone had to leave. it was pouring outside so sara had to send everyone off with an umbrella. me and tracy took a cab back to my place and waited for her mum to come get her...

o and btw sara was a great host even though she was sick.... thanks sara for letting us use your place hope it wasn't too much trouble....

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